Last week I started what I believe to be possibly the best job on the entire planet.
I am now the Director of Kindness (I wanted Captain Kindness) for the charity 52 Lives where I am running an initiative called the School Kindness Project.
Each week I attend a different primary school in the country and using a fun interactive workshop, I talk to children about the personal and social benefits of being kind. The aim is to empower them by helping them to see that things that they do and choices they make, even as children, have the power to make a difference in someone’s life.
This is reinforced during the workshops as we share a story about a child in need of help and the children work together to do something kind for that child.
The idea is to encourage children to be kinder in their daily lives.
There is actually a real science about kindness whereby being kind releases a whole host of feel good chemicals in the brain which makes us feel good. Best of all though, being kind benefits others even more.
It’s also the most contagious thing in the entire world so when you are kind, you also encourage others to be kind which improves relationships, strengthens communities and makes this world a far better place to live in.
What better way than to spread kindness than by educating our future generations about its benefits.
I have now delivered the workshop to three schools and the feedback has been incredible. Taking kindness into schools has been a dream of founder Jaime for years now. Jaime set up 52 Lives a few years ago with the aim of spreading kindness and changing a life each week of the year.
Last Monday I headed up to Leicester to visit an amazing school called Barley Croft.
We chatted about kindness and thought up different ways we can be kind on a daily basis before the kids came up with ideas of how to help a little called Tegan. Tegan is 9 years old and has recently been diagnosed with the same cancer I had when I was 7.
The kids at Barley Croft made Tegan cards and friendship bracelets, wrote letters, sent supportive video messages and even sang Tegan a song.
The children were absolutely buzzing from helping someone in need which was the most incredible sight to see.
Winsley school in Bath have already decided to make 52 Lives their chosen charity of the year and have devoted the year to doing kind deeds and helping change the lives of 52 people in need. The kids also used their cake sale money to buy our life of the week, Oliver, some cinema tickets. Amazing!
I have given a lot of talks in my life now but I can safely say that these have been my most favourite. It is incredible to see the joy that both children and teachers get out of helping others.
If you know a primary school who you think might benefit from a kindness workshop then please get in touch gang. We’d love to hear from you and it’s totally free for schools!
If you also know of any children that are in need of some kindness then please also let us know about them.
Click here for more details and to also follow the 52 Lives school kindness blog.