I’ve ticked some pretty incredible things off my list but I always wanted thing 101 on my list to be something extra special. Something so extraordinary and life changing that there was a good chance that it might not even be possible.
About half way through my trip around the world and after staying with various inspiring families and communities, I finally decided what that special thing was – To have a family of my own.
Last year I managed to achieve the first half of that particular thing on my list when I fell in love with the girl of my dreams. What was even more amazing was that she fell in love with me too.
A few months ago Jaime and I got the news I never thought I would.
After years of thinking that chemo may have stripped me of my ability to have children, this little guy suddenly appeared. I still can’t quite believe it. My thirties started off as a nightmare but now they feel like a dream. I feel like I am the most grateful person in the world.
This little miracle will be arriving later on this summer. My greatest adventure yet!